Time in Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Time in Seoul, Korea

Sunday, May 30, 2010

It's potty time.

I've lucked out living in a highly modern area where I am rarely forced to use the little squatty toilet hole-in-the-floor situations, unless I am desperate in a subway station. That mentioned, I am simply thankful there are bathrooms in the subway available to use at ALL. Also worth mentioning is they lack the used needles and scary characters that littered public restrooms in New York. However, I am not immune to the ever-so-present "used toilet paper in the trashcan" situation.

The Japanese anime show "Unko-san"... about poop characters who like kimchi. uh oh! i smell a fight...

My main problem with the korean bathrooms, aside from the fact that mine has a washing machine in it--along with no sink, is this mysterious "weak plumbing" that can't accomodate simple toilet paper being flushed. Possibly people flush their garbage to avoid the cost and mess of disposing of it, hence weakening the plumbing (this theory made possible by my friend who had the pleasure of her bathroom overflowing with toothpicks and a variety of other strange objects from the tenants above). Possibly the city grew so fast that the plumbing couldn't be refurbished as they built, but i'm sorry... i must have missed the memo. With some of the most killer buildings, excellent subways, supa fast trains and ritziest shit around, one would think i could be spared the sight and smell of a soiled pile of toilet tissue from the fashionistas with whom i share bathrooms around here. MA GAHHH.

You see these beautiful girls, dressed to the nines, wearing outfits that probably cost more than some people's houses, and you try to imagine them making the decision to opt-out of the flush, and instead, tossing it next to the toilet for the following person to enjoy. It's a nearly impossible image to envision, but obviously, it's a reality, because I see it.. EVERYWHERE I GO. From the nicest restaurants, to the lowliest coffee shop bathrooms; it's just everywhere. At some point i got violently angry about being exposed to this, and now... i just take a breath, squint my eyes to blur my surroundings, and piss like the wind.

Hey, poop is cute.

This, this I won't miss.

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